
Here you can see my current running stats: (opens new browser window)


  • Mid 2005 – I started running on a regular basis
  • March 2006 – My first half Marathon in Paris. That was really exciting and motivated me a lot. Finishing time 1:53
  • October 2006 – First full Marathon. At least I won the costume competition 🙂 (see image below). Finishing time 3:59 – I was quite proud, because my target time was 4 hours.
  • 2007 – no competitions – just training (not too much, though)
  • October 2008 – Second full Marathon – again in Cologne. Much much harder than the first one, but only 2 Minutes faster. I started way too fast.
  • 2009 – intensified training again. Several 10K’s (Clapham Common 10K). I started to use runkeeper -> have a look
  • 2010 – Half Marathon in Reading at the beginning of the year. Now preparing for the big Rubik’s Run.

Winner Costume Competition Cologne Marathon 2006 - Photo before the run

Winner Costume Competition Cologne Marathon 2006 - Photo before the run

Winner Costume Competition Cologne Marathon 2006 - Photo AFTER the run

Winner Costume Competition Cologne Marathon 2006 - Photo AFTER the run

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